
Between them, Bugatti and de Monge filed various unique patents. Below are just some of the patents Bugatti and de Monge applied for.

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US patent: 2244763
Filed: 16th March 1939

Relating to aircraft power plants for aircraft using multiple engines driving contra-rotating propellers

US patent: 2279615
Filed: 3rd May 1939

Relating to aircraft automatic flap systems. The 100p utilised this system to increase the efficiency of the wing.

US patent: 2268183
Filed: 16th March 1939

Relating to aircraft cooling devices, primarily aimed at the cooling system employed on the Bugatti 100p with  the intake on the tail and outlet on the trailing edge of  the wing.

UK patent 540206
Filed 16 August 1939

Relating to improvements in hollow bodies and methods of manufacturing the same. (principally airframe construction)

French Patent 852599
Filed 27 February 1940

Relating to “V” Tail control mechanism.

Our thanks go out to the Bugatti Trust for supplying this patent.